Bowie: Past, Present and Future

Bowie: Past, Present and Future conveys that Bowie, MD is a town with a strong sense of its history and boasts a community of engaged citizens with interwoven stories and lives. This narrative Centennial artwork, created by the team of Bergen, Cherkasky and Bailey, is made up of three large metalwork panels on an angled concrete base and features a coal locomotive, coal car and a caboose that represent the past. The three six by nine foot panels are readable from both sides so the artwork does not create a “front” or “back” side. The middle of the three flanking panels will be situated parallel to Excalibur Road and the other two panels will be placed at angles away from the road, similar to the existing Centennial Sign is placed.


TITLE:                           Bowie: Past, Present and Future

DATE:                           August 2018

MEDIA:                         Aluminum

DIMENSIONS:               3, 6' x 10' panels

LOCATION:                  Bowie, MD

PARTNERS:                   Mara Cherkasky (Historian) and Brandon Bailey (Graphic Designer)

BUDGET:                      $35,000

To download the full project sheet click here.